Many businesses shy away from voicemail as a feature of their phone systems. But when used correctly, voicemail can enhance your customer experience and benefit the business as a whole. Voicemail can easily be set up and prevent the loss of business from missed calls.
While there are many key benefits to utilising voicemail, there are drawbacks too. Some businesses have found that voicemail can hinder their business processes, with some employees choosing to avoid answering calls and deferring to their voicemail instead.
What is Voicemail?
As I'm sure most of you are aware, voicemail is a digital way of saving an individual's missed call to a business or person. All types of numbers can be used for sending or receiving a voicemail, including local numbers, national numbers and free phone numbers.
Voicemails are typically sent to businesses to either enquire about a product, request more information about a service or communicate with the businesses' customer care team. Having a voicemail set up for your business gives the client or customer a place to lodge their questions or complaints regardless of the time or day of the week.
How Does Voicemail Work?
A voicemail service would typically work when a person rings a phone or business number and nobody is there to take it. The person would then hear a voicemail answering machine that would instruct them on what to do next. If phoning a business, they might request that they ring again at a specific time or that they provide their contact information.
Another addition businesses can add to their phone service would be IVR Auto-Attendant. This feature includes an AI voice that guides the caller to a specific part of the business by asking them a round of questions. Click the link to learn more about our IVR Auto-Attendant service today.
Today we're discussing the advantages and disadvantages of voicemail for businesses, so let's get started.
The Advantages of Voicemail
Having explained what voicemail is, let us now discuss the many advantages of using voicemail in a business setting.
1) Staff overheads reduced
One of the advantages of voicemail for business is that you might not need a secretary or receptionist to field calls. Voicemail makes it possible to direct calls straight to a DDI even when an employee is away from their desk in a meeting or at lunch. This reduces the need for increasing staff overheads, therefore delivering a direct saving for the business.
2) Miscommunication Reduced
Voicemail messages can't be lost or distorted. Written messages left on top of your desk can be easily lost. Verbal messages can also be distorted leading to miscommunication since they rely on the memory of the 1st recipient. With voicemail, you are guaranteed to receive the message in the original form which allows for a better response.
3) Easier for Clients
Some customers prefer to leave voicemail messages rather than leave messages with receptionists or secretaries. Especially when the subject of the message is personal or confidential, you'll likely find more clients prefer voicemail. Using voicemail in your business is therefore bound to increase client feedback, and make communication easier.
4) Improves Return Calls
Voicemail makes it easier for you to prepare for return calls. Since voicemail allows clients to leave more details about their call, you will be able to prepare for calls prior to returning the voicemail. This is great for calls that require some research or detailed feedback. Voicemail messages can run for minutes, to even an hour allowing clients to leave concrete messages covering all aspects of their call.
5) Convenience
Voicemail is incredibly convenient. Unlike verbal or written messages which have to be retrieved practically from the source i.e. going to your desk and reading a note, voicemail messages can be easily retrieved from anywhere in or out of the office provided you have access to a computer/smartphone and internet. This benefit is available with business phone systems that have the voicemail to email feature.
6) Hold calls removed
Clients are never put on hold. There's nothing as annoying as being put on hold. The inconvenience, as well as the cost implication, is unacceptable from many clients' standpoint. Voicemail messages ensure clients aren't put on hold. If there's no one to answer calls at any given time for whatever reason, voicemail messages can be left instantly.
7) 24/7 Availability
One of the great advantages of using a voicemail service is that it is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In a world that never stops turning, people who work irregular hours or nights may find it difficult to contact a business that doesn't have a voicemail service and giving them the option of leaving a detailed message will be appreciated.
These are some of the many reasons why voicemail is great for a growing business. For more information regarding how to set up voicemail for your business, get in touch with our team.
The Disadvantages of Voicemail
1) Potential Language Barrier
One disadvantage your business may face when using a voicemail service is the language barrier that may occur. Using just an English speaking voicemail service may alienate potential customers who do not speak the same language. If your business is targeting overseas markets, this could be a potential drawback.
2) Missed Calls
When answering voicemails during regular working hours, there could be the possibility of sending ringing customers to the voicemail at the same time. A great workaround for this would be to use a virtual receptionist to field any missed calls.
Final Notes
While using voicemail can have its drawbacks, there are far more advantages than disadvantages. Any issues can be mitigated with alternative methods, and the benefits can bring great gains to your business.
Here at Virtual Landline, we offer virtual phone number services for businesses, including local or national numbers, call forwarding and custom numbers. All of these come with voicemail added on. If you are looking for business phone services to help your company gain and retain more leads, get in touch with our team.
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